Saturday, June 6, 2015

Google Photos

The web application Google Photos is about to get a lot more intelligent. It will soon be able to sort photographs according to an individual's name and suggested that it could eventually understand more abstract search terms -- those pertaining to emotions. This is about supplementing the way that people remember pictures and moments. Some people are getting nervous about the service because of the way that Google might be using the pictures. In response to the concerns, Google said that it will not be using the photos without explicit asking and explicit consent. Aside from the issues of privacy, I was wondering about the issue of this sort of artificial intelligence. First of all, facial expressions that are associated with certain emotions vary from culture to culture so does the algorythn take that into account? Also, what if it gets the emotion correct? For some people facial expressions show emotions that they do not even realize they are having. It seems like the technology would have one up on us.


  1. I think it is a great web applications and can be very useful. Most of the time we take pictures, we forget about them.

  2. It is a very useful mobile application as well. More people are using mobile devices than laptops.

  3. The mobile application needs to have more features. You can only recall the photos so many times before you get tired of them.
