Thursday, June 4, 2015

Crossing Things Off That Bucket List

Do you gave a bucket list? If not, you are lying to yourself. Everyone wants to do and achieve something. The best thing about bucket lists is that you do not have to be a certain age. The first step to take is to really stop and think about. This is about you and what you want. What is exciting and feels impossible? Being honest with yourself is the most important part of this. Find something that also scares you a bit and people say that you are crazy. Go for something that people would consider unrealistic. Next, write it down. It becomes more real that way. After you made it real for yourself, you need to tell the world your plans. This will possibly bring you to someone that would be able to help you and also hold you more accountable for accomplishing the things on your bucket list. Tell everyone and use any communication service that you can find. But you have to be enthusiastic about it because that is really what attracts people to you. Finally, on your journey, help others achieve their goals. The favor will come back around because when people see that you are not just taking but also giving, they will be more inclined to help you.


  1. The more different types of communication services that you use, the better connected you can be. Everyone has their own preferences.

  2. You should also use internet phone services. It is the best replacement for landlines.

  3. One of the downsides to internet phone services is that you need reliable power and internet connection. Those are hard to come by in remote areas.
