Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Healthy Habits to Pick Up

Bad habits are numerous and good ones do not really stick as well as we would like them to. There are some really easy changes that you can make in your life that will dramatically improve your health and well being. The best part is that you do not even need a mobile application to keep track of. First of all, drink a glass of water before every meal. You will be getting more water that you need anyway and you will be less likely to eat past the point of hunger. You can also use your lunch to be active if you cannot find time in the mornings. I mean it does not take 30 minutes to eat. You could go for a walk or do some stretches. It will enable you to overcome the stress that builds up and you will be refreshed to get back to work. You could also eat a protein loaded snack to stave off the midmorning hunger that you might feel. Nuts are your best choice but you can also eat a protein bar. Lastly, make exercise fun and enjoyable. You could walk to a friend's house instead of walking on the treadmill. Ride your bike to a cafe, grab a snack, and ride back. Measuring miles and yards are not exactly fun so decide to do more engaging activities.


  1. Another way to really connect with yourself is to turn off all those mobile applications and communication services. You will be surprised what you learn.

  2. With the software development, you could let some of the technology do the work. You might even be able to get more done.

  3. This is the time of the year when habits are promised. Do you really think that a mobile application will help you stick to that new years resolution?

  4. If you are running a business, make sure that you can have those phone services work in your favor. There are so many different features on the internet phones.
