Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Healthy Habits to Pick Up

Bad habits are numerous and good ones do not really stick as well as we would like them to. There are some really easy changes that you can make in your life that will dramatically improve your health and well being. The best part is that you do not even need a mobile application to keep track of. First of all, drink a glass of water before every meal. You will be getting more water that you need anyway and you will be less likely to eat past the point of hunger. You can also use your lunch to be active if you cannot find time in the mornings. I mean it does not take 30 minutes to eat. You could go for a walk or do some stretches. It will enable you to overcome the stress that builds up and you will be refreshed to get back to work. You could also eat a protein loaded snack to stave off the midmorning hunger that you might feel. Nuts are your best choice but you can also eat a protein bar. Lastly, make exercise fun and enjoyable. You could walk to a friend's house instead of walking on the treadmill. Ride your bike to a cafe, grab a snack, and ride back. Measuring miles and yards are not exactly fun so decide to do more engaging activities.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Be More Successful

We all strive our very best in every aspect of our lives. Sometimes though we get caught up in trying to keep up in the rat race or maybe just sitting on autopilot. One of the first things that you should do is consider your habits both good and bad. By consider, I mean that they should both be written down and no sugar coating allowed. Be honest with yourself. Then put an effort in towards increasing the good and decreasing the bad. By doing that, you will already have set your first several goals. Successful people have daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly goals and draw up a plan on how to get there and hold themselves accountable. There are many different mobile applications to help with this. They also read every day and are students of their profession. They don’t spend their time on activities that don't bring them closer to their goals. You should also try to make an effort to eat right an exercise. Regular exercise can help you with energy and getting more things done throughout the day.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Technology Killing Cheating

We would all like to think that the people that hold higher degrees such as doctors and lawyers got them all on their own and hard work. Not a smidget of cheating was involved. Unfortunately, you will be sorely disappointed. Back in the days before massive anti-plagiarism programs and databases, it was fairly easy to find someone to copy off of and then change a couple of the words and syntax to make it sound like you and viola, paper done in one day. These day, software development and even web development have come so far that the program will even tell you the percentage of words that are not your own. Professors can send your paper and have is cross referenced with everything ever written on whatever subject you are writing on. Even better, it will not let you copy off of your own work. One of the programs being Turnitin.com says that it not only catches cheaters but also prevents more of them. If only other cheating methods were that easy to clean up.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Get More Done Every Day

If you cannot help procrastinating, use the time to clean up your desk space. It will enable you to have a clearer mind if you do not have to look at the physical clutter. It might also be a great idea to clean up your cyberspace including emails and organize all the business applications development project pieces. Another great thing to do is to use every minute and get some small things accomplished while waiting for the meeting to start. You could also try getting a new laptop. How long have you had your old one? I bet you there is one that is a lot faster and you will stop wasting time for things to load. Either that, or you could upgrade your machine. I also try to work online using cloud services so that I can just pick up where I left off if I am on a different computer. What are your suggestions for getting more done?