Friday, June 26, 2015

Self-Healing Plastics

It is a rare occasion to find someone that has not experienced the utter horror of getting a new gadget and then seeing the screen broken in a million pieces within several weeks. Those people need a medal. Enter Vitrimers. These plastics are the creation of Ludwik Liebler, a materials scientist at the ESCPI Institute in Paris. The unique properties of this material is that it can reform after being broken with heat and a chemical catalyst. This plastic isn't just great for mobile devices, it will have so many more uses such as in transportation. It can also be used in the medical field for treating injuries and even accelerating healing. There is still a lot of research to be done on these materials before they can hit shelves but the field of self-healing materials is definitely growing. In the mean time, make sure you chose the right places to play the gaming applications and not around water.

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Business Products of Yesterdays

Technology has come a long way and we take some of the conveniences that we have for granted. Starting with communication services such as phone services, emails, and internet. Back in the day, there was dial up internet. It was pretty amazing how patiently we waited and suffered through the beeps and tones while the computer connect to the internet. There was also no email which meant that people had to type out or write letters. Communication was a lot slower. Not to mention more expensive. International phone calls cost a pretty penny and you had to wait for the connection to be made. There was also no caller ID. You have to be brave every time you picked up that phone and asked hello because you did not know who was on the other line. Computers also do a lot of calculations for us these days. There were no spreadsheets to run calculations and even projections. It will be interesting to see what technology becomes obsolete in the next 20 years or so.

Saturday, June 6, 2015

De-Stress With These Several Steps

Take 20 minutes and do some yoga. There are so many mobile applications out there that can help you in your practice so you do not even need to leave the house. You will be amazed by what just a couple minutes can do to your physical and mental state. Laughter is a lot cheaper than a therapist so dig out the old duds that you have in your closet, have a hearty laugh and be reminded not to take yourself too seriously, and that we're always capable of progressing. Come on, we have all made questionable fashion choices at one point or another. While you are in the closet, find some of your best clothes and wear them today. Research has shown that when we look our best, it acts as a great confidence booster. Work will always be there. Grab your backpack, stuff it with Scooby snacks and sunscreen, and hit the trails. When we breathe fresh air, move vigorously, and enjoy nature, we escape from the daily grind and feel less stressed. You could also go for a run, which is also much cheaper than a therapist.

Google Photos

The web application Google Photos is about to get a lot more intelligent. It will soon be able to sort photographs according to an individual's name and suggested that it could eventually understand more abstract search terms -- those pertaining to emotions. This is about supplementing the way that people remember pictures and moments. Some people are getting nervous about the service because of the way that Google might be using the pictures. In response to the concerns, Google said that it will not be using the photos without explicit asking and explicit consent. Aside from the issues of privacy, I was wondering about the issue of this sort of artificial intelligence. First of all, facial expressions that are associated with certain emotions vary from culture to culture so does the algorythn take that into account? Also, what if it gets the emotion correct? For some people facial expressions show emotions that they do not even realize they are having. It seems like the technology would have one up on us.

Friday, June 5, 2015

Making Big Impressions

You only have one chance to really make an impression. This goes whether you are interviewing in person or over internet phone services or just going to a meeting. The first think your should do is make sure that you get there on time both mentally and physically. Give yourself about ten or fifteen minutes to go over the material that is going to be discussed so that you are ready to jump right in. Another way to really impress and connect with people is to always listen first and then talk. A lot of people tend to just think about what they are going to say when the other person is talking instead of listening. After you listen, make sure to follow up with thoughtful questions. Making a great impression does not happen all the time and what works in some situations, fails miserably in others. The truth is that if you have not failed, you are not growing. Learn from those mistakes because wrong answers lead you to the right ones.

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Crossing Things Off That Bucket List

Do you gave a bucket list? If not, you are lying to yourself. Everyone wants to do and achieve something. The best thing about bucket lists is that you do not have to be a certain age. The first step to take is to really stop and think about. This is about you and what you want. What is exciting and feels impossible? Being honest with yourself is the most important part of this. Find something that also scares you a bit and people say that you are crazy. Go for something that people would consider unrealistic. Next, write it down. It becomes more real that way. After you made it real for yourself, you need to tell the world your plans. This will possibly bring you to someone that would be able to help you and also hold you more accountable for accomplishing the things on your bucket list. Tell everyone and use any communication service that you can find. But you have to be enthusiastic about it because that is really what attracts people to you. Finally, on your journey, help others achieve their goals. The favor will come back around because when people see that you are not just taking but also giving, they will be more inclined to help you.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Getting Some Fun Back

When was the last time you had fun? Gaming applications do not really count. I get it, you are very busy growing your career and do the things that have to get done. You might do things that you enjoy and that are fun but never because they are fun to do. First of all, ask yourself what you would most want to do. Try daydreaming of a perfect day or evening and you can even think back to what was exciting to you in your childhood. I mean a day at the beach in the waves still sounds pretty awesome. Trying something new is definitely not a requirement but if you use some of your valuable fun time to try something you've never done before, you'll expand your horizons, activate newness-loving pleasure chemicals in your brain, and create very vivid memories. Make sure to thank the naysayers for sharing and then get on with what you were doing. You blocked out this time for pleasure, so there's nothing else for you to prioritize right now. The "should"s will still be there when you finish doing all those fun things.