Friday, January 9, 2015

New Year, New Job

Whether you are just out of college or got a more senior position in that software development firm, getting a new job can be stressful. Even after all the interview processes and landing the job, you are still the outsider before you actually start working there. There are some things that you need to remember to be able to hit the ground running. The company hired you because of who you are so do not try to be someone that you are not. Have faith that you are there for a reason and do not be afraid to participate. While you are participating, do not be afraid to ask questions. Your employers will welcome the questions and see that you are intellectually curious and it might make management look at things from a new perspective. If you make a mistake, take the opportunity to learn from it and not shy away from making them. Mistakes lead to experience, experience leads to wisdom, wisdom leads to instinct and instinct leads to faster decision making. If you are not making mistakes, you are doing yourself a disservice.


  1. No matter what job you are in, it is always useful to know mobile application development. You never know what those skills might come in handy.

  2. Software development is also a great field to get into. You will be able to apply those skills anywhere

  3. You need to be able to use all kinds of communication services. Many companies are doing interviews over internet phone services.

  4. The best part about internet phones is that you can use the communication service on any device. This will also save the business a lot of money.
