Monday, August 11, 2014

Rude Tech Behavior

People can be a rude bunch, make no mistake. Even something like internet phone services or emails can be used to end up looking like an idiot. First of all, I have come across people in public that are having very private conversations and most of us do not want to hear. Keep your laundry where it belongs. Also, isn't it a bummer when your supposed best friend posts pictures on their social network page of a party with all the closest friends having a frolicking good time which you only found out about through the post? Where was that invitation? For all the business professionals out there, there is a difference between the reply and reply all buttons. Please know it. Sometimes it is a good idea to hit the reply all but other times, it is just annoying and no one really wants to read your non-essential comments like "great" or "thanks". When you are using internet phones to telecommute, make sure that all the technology is functional before getting into serious conversations. It will save everyone involved a big headache.


  1. I find it very awkward when people use VoIP service in public. You would think it would be just as weird on the other end.

  2. Using other mobile applications can be just as annoying if they are sending alerts every couple of minutes.

  3. Internet phone services are great for calling people long distance. It will save you a lot of money.

  4. With internet phones and video conferencing, you will be able to see the other person's face. It can be a lot more telling than an email or text.
