Monday, March 9, 2015

Stay Calm During That Interview

I realize that interviews can be extremely stressful. There are a couple things that you can do to stay calm so that your very best can shine through. First, you need to go there prepared. Do your research about the company and their mission. You need to be able to tell them why you want the job so much and why you would be a great asset to the company. Make sure to create a list of questions that you want to ask the interviewer. You also need to plan ahead by getting all your clothes ready and printing out your resumes a couple of days in advance. That will give you one less thing to worry about. Lastly, think positively and there is a slew of mobile applications that can help in that department. It will help you relax so that you can focus on your skills and accomplishments and why you would be an awesome fit for the job.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Listen to Music Without Hearing Loss

I know that it is cool to blast music and listen to it really loud. I mean there is a saying, "If it is too loud, you are too old." Rock bands have the decibel levels of a rocket engine. I think it might be time to rethink how we see listening to music because the loss of hearing in young people is staggering. Do you really want to be that thirty something and cannot hear a word your friends are saying? There should be mobile applications that can sense the loudness as well as the duration of music that is listened to using head phones. Fortunately, there are some things that you can try in the mean time. Get headphones that fit so that you do not have any ambient noise getting in that makes you turn up the sound. Also, if you are not listening to music, you should get earplugs if you are in a very loud environment. Lastly, get your hearing checked at least once to see where you stand and make sure you keep them healthy.