Friday, September 26, 2014

Phantom Vibrations

Isn't it somewhat embarrassing when you reach into your pocket for your phone because you felt it vibrating only to find that the phone is in your coat pocket? This emphasizes our relationship with our phones and phone services. About two thirds of people surveyed in recent studies have said that they have felt these vibrations. It is not a major problem, clearly, but it’s an intriguing phenomenon. Healthy people don’t often hallucinate. But lots of healthy people experience this particular hallucination. Twenty- and thirty-somethings who grew up with cellphones and have them ingrained in their daily lives probably experience the effect more than older people or technophobes. Experts think that these phantom vibrations are coming from the brain's tendency to fill in gaps to find patterns. You should also consider having your phone in a different pocket if they become too bothersome.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Several Hacks of iOS 8

If you are one of the people that decided to update to the new operating system on your 4S and are now pulling your hair out over how slow it is despite the amazing software development, you are free to keep reading just for fun till you get the new iPhone. You can peek behind the message conversations now and even mute a group message if one of the people is being too obnoxious. I hope that you all know by now that it is not about the number of megapixels that matter. It is about the software and maybe a little of the mobile applications that edit the picture. Another great thing about the update is the typing so that there is no more embarrassing autocorrect fails. You will see a suggesting which you can click on and it will put it in. It will also suggest word based on the person that are talking with. You can also see what apps use the most battery which can save you the utter helpless feeling when you are without a charger and running on 10% battery. You know we have all been there and a little too close to panic.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Mobile App Fraud

Fraud exists in many different forms, including through mobile applications. The businesses of mobile app developers get hurt is when their game is hacked by their players. When the virtual currency is targeted, one thinks of the lost revenue, but even bigger impact is on the competition between players within the game. One solution is to use a sophisticated app tracker service. Its open-source tracker SDK runs a more complex code in the app, which makes it harder to fake an install and requires a fraudster to simulate the whole app rather than manipulate HTTP API.Another approach implemented by is to monitor and report inconsistencies, such as installs that come, for example, from German devices that have Chinese timezone settings. There are also issues with fraudulent ads which you can counter with looking for references and recommendations for the advertisements.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Increase Impact, Reduce Effort

This is probably the real goal of all entrepreneurs. Finding that happy middle. It is not about working harder but working smarter. The first thing that you need to do is to tap into your natural talents and abilities and the rest is sure to follow. When you combine your talents with your skills, knowledge and experience, they serve as multipliers. This combination can mean the difference between being an average performer and a rock-star one, without even having to work harder. If you are not working to your full potential with the content management services, a lot more than just your productivity will suffer. Make sure to put your talents to work and use them as your job. It is also important to always assess how they are being used so that you can reach you full potential.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Smartphone Features in the Future

Smartphone technologies as well as mobile applications have come a long way and this is the direction that they are headed. First of all, phones went from very big to small and now they are getting larger again. Do you remember the Razor? These days many of the smartphones have an identity crisis and are somewhere between a screen that resembles a phone and a tablet, aka phablet. If you are like most of the population with a cell phone, you have experienced the anxiety that comes when your phone powers down because of a dead battery. Another solution for increasing your phone's the battery-life is Wysips, a product that turns your phone into a solar panel. Simply apply the thin layer of crystal on your watch, tablet, or smartphone to allow your device to convert sunlight into energy. Modular smartphones refer to phones constructed in a similar way to a puzzle. The phone consists of separate pieces that can selectively combined in order to create a smartphone as we know them today.